Creating a future with more cheers through safer roads.
Reducing road safety risks is one of our top priorities: our employees, their families and our consumers travel the world’s roadways every day. Their safety is a deeply personal issue.
We share the ambition of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)to halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents by 2020. More than ever, we believe our company has a unique opportunity to improve road safety and make a significant positive impact on our communities.
Addressing drunk driving is an essential component of our smart drinking commitments. It’s our ambition to make impaired driving culturally unacceptable.
Partnering with Others to Make a Difference
We are working with governments, law enforcement, public safety organisations, academia, civil society, and other companies to develop a comprehensive approach to road safety.
Our interventions are aligned with the National Road Safety Action plan launched by the Ministry of Works and Transport to reduce road crash fatalities and injuries by 25 per cent between 2022 and 2026 and the United Nations’ global call to the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety to improve road safety by reducing road traffic deaths and injuries by at least 50% by 2030.
In November 2022, We launched the “Ondaba”road safety campaign to promote safer roads in Uganda.
The campaign implemented by Consult Africa Usalama was geared to raise awareness on road safety, support enforcement, and strengthen post-crash care interventions across the country, particularly along the Kampala-Masaka Highway, which is identified to have a high fatality rate.
The phrase “Ondaba” or “Do you see me?” calls for all road users to be accountable for each other in actions and ensure there is road discipline and courtesy on the road to ensure that we are all safe while using our roads.
Safe roads are critical to the health and well-being of our colleagues, their families, and communities across the globe and that is why we strive to impact and improve their welfare.

As part of the activities to support enforcement, NBL donated 2 shelter tents to the Traffic Police along the Kampala Masaka Highway and refurbished & equipped the Mpigi Health Center IV Accident and Emergency (A & E) Unit from 2-bed capacity to 7-bed capacity to support post-crash care. In commemoration of the 2022 World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic victims, the company also donated a prosthetic leg to an accident victim Reagan Mugweri based in Njeru.
With the campaign, we sensitised over 160 commercial motorcyclists on motorcycle safety, and trained over 100 of them in first response care.
The campaign was done in collaboration with the Ministry of Works and Transport, Uganda National Roads Authority, the Emergency Medical Services department at the Ministry of Health, theUganda Police and Orthopaedic Society of Uganda.